Dean Stoute retiring, community input sought regarding successor

Douglas A. Stoute, Dean of Toronto and Rector of The Cathedral Church of St. James is retiring at year’s end after 21 years at the helm of St. James.

Dean Douglas A. Stoute will retire from St. ames' Cathedral later this year.
Dean Douglas A. Stoute will retire from St. James’ Cathedral later this year.

St. James built in the Gothic Revival style in 1853 now lies within the borders of St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA and the Archbishop has asked for community input in choosing a new dean. This is an elaborate process and they have approached the BIA to put forward one or two community representatives to attend a special community meeting on April 18 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The meeting will be led by a professional facilitator and is being called to consult with members of the community regarding the needs of the Cathedral and its future development. It is intended to help the parish selection committee in its discerning of those needs in order to advise the Archbishop in his appointment of a new dean. 

This meeting will be an opportunity for members of the community to share their thoughts. 

 Pre-registration is requested.

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