Cabbagetown objects to Army occupation of storefront

By Angela Scappatura –

The Salvation Army proposes to occupy this storefront on Parliament St. in Cabbagetown. The local BIA is asking them to consider other locations.

The Salvation Army proposes to occupy this storefront on Parliament St. in Cabbagetown. The local BIA is asking them to consider other locations.

The Salvation Army is working with community members to find an alternative to a planned mission on Parliament St., a spokesman for the group confirms.

“We sensed from the BIA that there is a strategy to how faith groups like the Salvation Army are rooted in the community,” Cpt. John Murray said.

“The BIA has raised two or three significant concerns and it is important to reflect on those and try to find a solution.”

The BIA has recommended specific sites in the area that would serve as alternatives to the current plan. Cpt. Murray said although the Salvation Army has already leased the contested site, but they are willing to review other options.

“It’s important for us to have good community partnerships and one of the important aspects is to hear their concerns,” Cpt. Murray said.

“There are three other locations we are looking at. One facility that has been proposed is a church facility. It isn’t one where civil services will be dispensed.”

The Cabbagetown BIA along with Pam McConnell and other community businesses have been lobbying against the proposed site since early September.

McConnell said they are concerned with the protection of small businesses in the area.

“It is a prominent location in a business district and it’s a restaurant beside a group of restaurants. We wanted to keep the business fabric together,” McConnell said.

“Parliament St. is fragile and we are trying to improve the stability of that area. We are trying to support them and you don’t do that by taking a bite out of the block and turning it into church.”

McConnell said the discussions to find a suitable location are still ongoing because they have yet to agree on a new site.

“We’ve been able to explain to the Salvation Army why that site is not appropriate. They have listened and we have been able to engage mutually to find a better location,” McConnell said. “The only thing I do regret is that we didn’t start earlier.”

McConnell said another meeting to discuss progress is planned.