Downtown Yonge BIA launches project to collect stray butts…cigaret butts, that is
By Randy Sidhu –

Butts litter Downtown Yonge
As part of our dedication to keeping your streets clean the Downtown Yonge BIA has launched a pilot project, installing 12 cigarette receptacle ashtrays on Yonge Street.
The goal is to encourage the public to change their behaviour disposing of cigarettes in the receptacles rather than on the street. By providing a visible method of disposal for the general public we will hopefully be seeing fewer cigarette butts on the sidewalks in the pilot project area.
Look for these ashtrays that have been fixed to select BIA-owned pedestrian and streetlight poles on both sides of Yonge Street, from Dundas to Gerrard. If the results are encouraging, there could be a possibility to expand this program in 2013.