On September 29 and 30, the Alzheimer Society of Ontario will hosted its first-ever Alzheimer Society Action Summit for Ontarians living with dementia, care partners and advocates to have their say in how to influence government policy. This two-day symposium comes on the heels of the release of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Developing Ontario’s Dementia Strategy: A Discussion Paper.
The Action Summit will cover a range of topics, from identifying research priorities, to increasing community support and building the capacity of the dementia workforce. Ian Parker of the Centre for Independent Living will kick off the summit Thursday evening. The keynote will focus on his influential work as an advocate and person living with a disability, and offer practical advice on how we can all influence the change we want to see.
While this summit is the first of its kind in Ontario, it is part of a growing worldwide movement of people with dementia who are advocating for political change and standing up for their needs and rights. Since 2014, the Ontario Dementia Advisory Group has been leading the charge in the province, making sure its members’ voices are heard and integrated into key policy discussions. Internationally, the Dementia Advocacy and Support Network International (DASNI) has emerged as an influential voice on the political stage, advocating for the recognition of dementia as a disability in light of the United Nations 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD).
Swift political action towards a provincial dementia strategy is needed. Today, there are over 200,000 Ontarians living with dementia and this number is expected to increase by 15 per cent in just four years.
The Alzheimer Society invites all those impacted by dementia to be part of the Action Summit by visiting www.actionfordementia.ca
SOURCE Alzheimer Society of Ontario